Staturated In His

“Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!”

(Psalms 95:2)



     Pastor Jamie comes from several generations of Pastors and Missionaries in her family.   At the age of 15 she dedicated her life to the Lord at a High School     Winter Retreat and has been serving the Lord in a wide range of ministries over the years.  Some of her fondest memories in ministry has been serving as a     Children’s Ministry Director, Prison Ministry, Youth Ministry, Spanish Ministry, Healing Room Ministry, Homeless Ministry  and being a Missionary in China.  When asked to lead a Women’s Agape Ministry in March of 2020 in Garden Grove, which is in her own home town, so she jumped right in.  She became, at     that time, an Ordained licensed Minister through the Western Evangelical Association.  By August of 2020 she established her Non-Profit Ministry

     Saturated In His Love and was Ordained once again but as the Founding Senior Pastor over her Non-Profit Organization through Saturated In His Presence     by Senior Pastor Naomi Martin who trained her in the soaking rooms in her own ministry.  Pastor Jamie strives to help her community and continues to support missionaries around the globe. Her mission statement tells of her heart.  She is also partners with Victory Cities Global, which helps to enhance the lives of people around the world.

Ministries we have to offer


* Thursday Morning Prayer Conference
* Street Evangelizing

A Helping Hand

*Children's Events
*Provide food for those in need

Giving & Global outreach

*Toy Giveaways
* Supporting Missionaries around the world

Ways to Give!

We Want to Hear From You!